“Kathe Se Aayo Shyam” is a devotional hymn that celebrates the divine arrival of Lord Krishna (Shyam), Lord Shiva (Shankar), and Hanuman (Mata Anjani’s laal). This traditional song reflects on the revered origins and manifestations of these deities, each associated with different holy places and forms of worship. It highlights their divine qualities, the ways they are honored with various offerings, and their roles in alleviating suffering and removing obstacles from their devotees’ lives. The hymn serves as a tribute to their grace and power, underscoring the deep spiritual connection and reverence that devotees hold for these divine figures.
Table of Contents
Toggleकठे से आयो श्याम,
कठे से आयो शंकर,
कठे से आयो रे माता अंजनी को लालो,
खाटू से आयो श्याम, काशी से आयो शंकर,
यो सालासर से आयो, माता अंजनी को लालो,
के चढ़ आयो श्याम, के चढ़ आयो शंकर,
यो के चढ़ आयो रे, माता अंजनी को लालो,
लीले चढ़ आयो श्याम, नंदी पर आयो शंकर,
यो पवन वेग से आयो, माता अंजनी को लालो,
क्या से रीझे श्याम, यो क्या से रीझे शंकर,
यो क्या से रीझे रे, माता अंजनी को लालो,
चूरमा से रीझे श्याम, भंगियाँ से रीझे शंकर,
लड्डूवा से रीझे रे, माता अंजनी को लालो,
संकट काटे श्याम, जो विपदा टाले शंकर,
दुःख दूर भगावे रे, माता अंजनी को लालो ||
Kathe se aayo Shyam,
Kathe se aayo Shankar,
Kathe se aayo re, Mata Anjani ko laalo.
Khatu se aayo Shyam,
Kashi se aayo Shankar,
Yo Salasar se aayo, Mata Anjani ko laalo.
Ke chadh aayo Shyam,
Ke chadh aayo Shankar,
Yo ke chadh aayo re, Mata Anjani ko laalo.
Leele chadh aayo Shyam,
Nandi par aayo Shankar,
Yo pavan veg se aayo, Mata Anjani ko laalo.
Kya se reejhe Shyam,
Yo kya se reejhe Shankar,
Yo kya se reejhe re, Mata Anjani ko laalo.
Churma se reejhe Shyam,
Bhangiyaa se reejhe Shankar,
Laddoowa se reejhe re, Mata Anjani ko laalo.
Sankat kaate Shyam,
Jo vipda taale Shankar,
Dukh door bhagaave re, Mata Anjani ko laalo.
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